Parts Page

The part page contains a table where you can input the information of the part that you need to cut. Parts that do not fit in any stock are highlighted in Red. In this grid the column width of the columns can be adjusted.

Nesting Software : User Interface for Part page.

Part Enter a unique part name for each part.
Length Length of the part. You can select the units using the Units dialog.
Qty Required quantity of part. Has to be zero or greater.
Section Type This column will appears, if you have purchased 'Sections' module along with PLUS 1D. It provides the type of sections (depending on the sections database file selected) to choose.Example of section types are L, I, W, RHS, etc.
Section Specify the material or section type of each stock. Parts of the same material are matched and nested together on appropriate stock. See options dialog.
Cut Allowance Specify the additional distance to be cut for a part, if it has angular cuts on the sides.
Powder Coat Specify the required powder coating type for the part.
Remarks Additional information about the part.
Weight / Piece Weight of a part per piece.
Nesting Software : Combining Parts This buttons combines the parts with same length, material and cut allowance. Combine similar parts.
Nesting Software : Autonaming This button will open the automatic name generation dialog. Using this the user can decide a criteria for automatic naming of the parts. See Auto Names.
Nesting Software : Import Parts from CSV File Allows import of part information from text files. See CSV import.
Nesting Software : Import Parts from KISS File Allows import of part information from .kiss files. (Optional Add - On feature)
Nesting Software : Import Parts from KISS File Allows import of part information from .DSTV files. (Optional Add - On feature)  See DSTV import.

See Also