PLUS 1D - Options Dialog (Tools menu)

Change the options to customize the software for your data.

Nesting Software : Options

Specify cost with each stock Enabling this adds another column in the Stock table, where you can specify the cost of the stock either in terns of cost per piece or cost per unit length. The option of selecting cost per piece or cost per piece is enabled only when this control is checked.
Show cost per piece This option enables you to specify cost per piece of the stock.
Show cost per unit length This option enables you to specify cost per unit length of the stock.
Specify End Trim for each stock Enabling this allows user to specify how much length has to be cut at both the sides of the stock. To allow for removing damaged ends. Zero by default.

Note: This is considered as waste during Utilization % computation.

Display Location for each stock Enabling this allows user to specify Location of each stock .
Display Weight for each stock Enabling this allows user to specify weight of each stock .

Note: This is considered as weight calculation of stock in RTF output.

Specify additional cut allowance with each part This option is useful for parts with angle cuts on the sides. Enabling this allows user to specify the additional distance to be cut for a part, if it has angular cuts on the sides.
Use materials not in database Enabling this allows the user to add stock and parts for which material is not present in database.
Specify powder coating This option is useful when you want to include powder coating calculations for parts.
Offcut cost as percentage of stock cost The cost of the Offcuts that are put back in the inventory depends on their length and the cost of the original stock. To give a preference for the use of offcuts, you can reduce their cost to the value specified here. So if this value is 90%, and we are automatically adding a 6m offcut (of a 12m stock that costs 100) then the cost of the offcut will be set as

= OffcutLength*StockCost*OffcutPercentage/(StockLength*100)

= 6*100*90/(12*100) = 45

Machine Loading Time for a single stock in seconds The time taken for loading a single stock on to a machine for cutting. This time is in seconds.

Note: This is used for calculating the total loading time and the total process time for the machine that will come in the RTF report.

Cutting Time for a single cut in seconds The time taken by the machine to make a single cut. This time is in seconds.

Note: This is used for calculating the total cutting time and the total process time for the machine that will come in the RTF report.

Result Detail Format User can change the display format of Details in Layout Summary. The Details on Summary page and Summary of layouts in RTF output  will be changed as per this format.  ($Q = Quantity, $L = Length, $N = Part Name )
e.g.: Type 1: $Qx$L[$N] shows the result as - 3x1100[Part1]
         Type 2: $Lx$Q shows the result as - 1100x3
         Type 3: $Nx$Q
shows the result as - Part1x3
         Type 4: $LQ
shows the result as - 1100   1100 1100
         Type 5: $NQ
shows the result as - Part1   Part1  Part1

See Also3>See Also