
Mirror is tool which is used to create entities mirror image by deleting it's original image. Mirror image can be create in two ways either 'Mirror about X axis' or 'Mirror about Y axis'. By default this option is disable. To make enable you have to select the desire entity.

Mirror About X axis:- This tool is used to create the mirror image about X axis. To use this tool select option from Modify menu bar 'Mirror about X axis' or select icon from Editing toolbar.

Fig.1 Before Mirror about X axis

Fig.2 After Mirror about X axis

Mirror About Y axis: - This tool is used to create the mirror image about Y axis. To use this tool select option from Modify menu bar 'Mirror about Y axis' or select icon from Editing toolbar.

Fig.1 Before Mirror about Y axis

Fig.2 After Mirror about Y axis

Steps to Mirror the Entity :-

See Also