Entity Creation

Entity are the basic objects that will make up your drawing. There are many entities available like Line, Arc, Circles, Ellipse, Polygon, Polyline, Spline, Text etc.

Entity Toolbar:

The Entity toolbar is as shown below.

Marker: Makes a marker entity.
Line: Use this tool to draw a line. How to?
Arc: Use this tool to draw a arc. How to?
Rectangle: Use this tool to draw a rectangle. How to?
Circle Centre Radius: Draw a circle by specifying the centre point and radius. How to?
Circle 3 Point: Draw a circle by specifying 3 points. How to?
Circle N Point: Draw a circle by specifying N points. How to?
Ellipse: Use this tool to draw an ellipse. How to?
Polygon: Use this tool to draw a polygon. How to?

Polyline: Use this tool to draw a polyline. How to?

Spline: Use this tool to draw a Spline. How to?
FreeHand: Use this tool to draw a freehand. How to?
Trace: Use this tool to automatically trace the shape in the picture. How to?
Text: Use this tool to add text. How to?