
In PLUS RepliCAM Circle can be drawn three ways, they are as follows.

Circle Centre-Radius: In this to draw a circle you will need a centre point and radius. To select this choose 'Insert Menu > Circle Centre Radius' or select icon from 'Entity' toolbar. Then select centre and then keeping mouse pointer away, click for radius and you will get circle This is explain in figure below.

You will get a circle with centre point P1 and radius equal to length (P1P2)

Circle 3 Points : In this case, while drawing circle you have give three points ie mark any where three points and you will get a circle passing through these points. To use this option select ' Insert Menu > Circle 3 Points' or select icon from 'Entity' toolbar. It's useful for drawing circle included template (Like drilled hole and etc).For that mark three points on its edge as shown in figure and you will get circle with radius relative to that included circle in template.

Steps :

You will get a circle with passing though these 3 points.

Circle N Points : This also a good method to draw a circle included in template. Like three point circle mark more points on edge of include circle, and you will get a circle with more accurate radius. To select this option choose 'Insert Menu > Circle N Points' or select icon from 'Entity' toolbar. It's more useful for drawing circle included template and give better result. (Like drilled hole and etc).

This is same as drawing a Line with N point. Do all procedure same.


See Also