Result Page

The optimized layouts that have been generated are displayed on this page. The results consists of 3 sections...

The overall result summary

Available stock The total number of stocks (of all materials) that were available for optimization.
Stocks Used The total number of stocks that were used in the optimization.
Parts Required The total number of parts that you had entered in the parts page.
Parts Cut The total number of parts nested in all the layouts.
Utilization % The overall utilization percentage. (Total length of parts + Offcuts)/(Total length of all the stocks used)
Drops/Offcuts Numbers of rests, that are greater than the minimum offcut size.
Total Part Length The total length of the parts that is nested in meters or in feet (only if length units are inch or feet).
Total Stock Length The total length of the stocks that will be required for the job in meters or in feets.
Cost The total cost, if the cost of the stocks have been specified.

Stock Cost

If specified with each stock, then shows total cost of the stocks that is used.
Pow Coat Cost If Powder coating is specified with the parts, then shows the total cost of the powder coating.
 This option is used to print report the basis of groups like material, job orders, parts etc. For Detail Click Here
Nesting Software : Custom Report Export a detailed output listing as an RTF file, and display it.
Nesting Software : Short Report Displays a short and concise output in RTF format.
Nesting Software : Export DSTV Plus It exports all DSTV files into selected folder.
Nesting Software :Update Inventory Updates the inventory. If stock from the inventory have been consumed, it reduces their quantity in the inventory. It also updates offcuts into the inventory, so that they are available for the next job. See Update Inventory.

NOTE: To see the updated inventory, select the "Tools->Manage Inventory" menu.

Nesting Software : Bar Coded Labels

Print the labels for parts using barcodes. (Optional Add - On feature)
Nesting Software : Print Offcut Labels Print bar coded labels for offcuts generated in the job. (Optional Add - On feature)

The layout summary

Nesting Software : Layout Summary

This table consists of the following columns.

L.No Layout Number
Stock The stock name, on which the parts have to be cut.
Qty The number of times the layout has to be cut.
Utl % The utilization percentage of the layout.
Length The length of the stock.
Section Section of the stock.
Rest The value of the remaining piece. Note that the layouts 4 and 6 have offcuts, and are highlighted in Blue.
Details The size x quantity of the pieces that have to be cut in the layout. For instance, layout One [1720x3 940x1], means piece of length 1720 has to be cut 3 times, and piece of length 940 has to be cut once.
Confirm You can reject some layouts by un-checking this box. In such a case, some parts will not get made. You can re-optimize (renest) the remaining parts by clicking on the "Renest Remaining" button. This will not change the accepted layouts, but optimize the remaining parts, and add layouts to the result.

Details with Layout Drawing : 

Nesting Software : Layout Drawing

When you select row in layout detail table, Its drawing will appear as above. This layout drawing shows you parts nestes in it, its name, size and cut position. Also  you can cutomize the layout drawing(Click Here). Whatever you do changes in layout drawing it same will appear in the RTF output.

Details of each layout

Nesting Software : Part Cut Details

Layout The details of the layout that is currently selected in the Layout Summary table is displayed here. In the above case the last layout (number 6) is highlighted.
Stock Used The stock name and the stock size is displayed.
Part Name of the part to be cut.
Cut Position The position of the knife/saw considering the cut width.
Angle It shows the cutting angle at part edge.
Flipped Its shows whether parts is flipped while nesting.
Rotated(180) Its shows whether parts is rotated at an angle of 180.

See Also