Import Shapes from DXF Files

Import single shape from DXF Files

  click this button

Import Multiple Parts from DXF Files

Import Multiple Parts from the DXF Files by clicking Add Multiple DXF Shapes button in Shape Part Page. 

 On click of this button will pop up Add Multiple DXF Shapes Dialog.


Add Multiple Shapes Dialog Items

This option allows the user to import a set of .DXF files whose details are specified in a text file (.txt). 

See Import File List

This option allows the user to browse in to a folder containing a list of .DXF files and select the required files from that folder.

Importing DXF from File List.

On click of this button the user can browse to a text file which contains the details of the DXF file.

These details should include six  fields related to each DXF file, these fields are as follows:
  1. Path name for the DXF file -this shows the directory and folder where the DXF file is located. The file path has to be mentioned in double quotes e.g. "C:\DXF\1.dxf"
  2. Allow rotation details- 1 for allowing rotation, 0 for no rotation.
  3. Quantity of parts required. 
  4. Thickness of the part.
  5. Material of the part - The material of the part should also be specified within double quotes example: "Steel".
  6. Remarks for the part should also be specified in the file list. The remarks should also be specified within double quotes example: "DXF shape for front cover". If the user has no remarks for a particular part then the user has to type the double quotes without anything written in it example: " ".

Eg.: "Filepath" Rotation Qty Thickness "Material" "Remarks"

        "C:\DXF\1.dxf " 1 20  4 "Steel" "DXF shape for front cover"

        "C:\DXF\2.dxf " 1 20  4 "Steel" " DXF shape for back cover "

        "C:\DXF\3.dxf " 1 40  4 "Steel" "  "

        "C:\DXF\4.dxf " 1 40  4 "Steel" "  "

This is how a text file for the 'dxf file' list will be generally written.  Also there must be single space between each property while adding in text file. Observe that the out of four, two shapes have no remarks and so only the double quotes have been typed without any thing written within them.


On selecting 'Text file' the four  DXF files will be add  in the 'Add Multiple Shapes Dialog' grid.

  Selecting DXF Files.

This option allows the user to browse and select multiple shapes in a single browse dialog.  

On Click of this button will pop up a Browse DXF File Dialog. Use the Browse Dialog to select required DXF Files. After selecting the required Files from the dialog click Open Button. The DXF Parts will be added to the table. The User can also paste the part information in the table from excel or tab separated file in the expected format. On click of Add Button the Shapes in the table will be added to the Non Rectangular Part Page Grid, if it is valid else list of error messages will be displayed.

See Also