Stock Page

The stock page contains a table with the following columns, where you can specify information about the material available for optimization.

NOTE: The columns you see may be different depending on the Options you have selected. In this grid the column width of the columns can be adjusted.

Userinterface for Stock page.

Stock Enter a unique name for each stock.
Width Length of the stock. You can select the units using the Units dialog.
Rolls Available rolls of stock. Has to be zero or greater.
Cost/Piece Cost per piece of stock material. This column is available only if you enable the "specify cost with each stock" using the options dialog.
Material Specify the material or sections of each stock. Slits of the same material are matched and nested together on appropriate stock. See options dialog.
End Trim Specify how much length has to be cut at both the sides of the stock. To allow for removing damaged ends. Zero by default.

Note: This is considered as waste during Utilization % computation.

Vendor It is name of the vendor or supplier of the stock.
Remarks Additional information about the stock.
Used The number of stocks used is displayed here, once the optimization is done.
This button will open the automatic name generation dialog. Using this the user can decide a criteria for automatic naming of the stocks. See Auto Names.
Allows import of stock information from text files. See CSV import.
Allows import of stock from the inventory database. Select the stocks you would like to use in the job, and they are automatically added. See Import stocks from Inventory.

See Also