Edit Selected Values.

To increase/decrease/modify the values in tables using some formula, select the cells, Right Click and click on either the "Evaluate Expression..." or "Format Expression..." menu. Either or both of the menus will be available depending on the columns you have selected.

Evaluate Expression Or Format Expression dialog figure

You can enter your expression in the edit box available in the dialog shown above.

The Expression can accept, $ followed by the column number, as the variable.

The variables that you can use are $1, $2, $3, $4... and so on for the columns. You can use $X for current cell value and $0 for the row number of the selected cells.

Using Evaluate Expression... for the columns

Here the Expression you input will be evaluated depending on the operations specified. You can perform the most common operations on the cells like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and so on...

Simply enter the formula which you want to use to change all the values, for instance

What you want to do What expression you should use
Add 10 to all the selected cells $X+10
Multiply selected cells by 25.4 $X * 25.4
Calculate Total length for given rolls $2 * $3

Using Format Expression... for the columns

Here only strings will be formed in the format specified by the expression you have input.

Simply enter the formula which you want to use to change all the values, for instance

What you want to do What expression you should use
Generate Name of Slits as Width * Rolls $2 * $3
Prefix all Slit Names by Reqd. No. Rolls $X_$5
Suffix all Stock Names with Row numbers $0-$X

Note: That all though you enter mathematical symbols like +, *, -, etc. in the Expression of the Format Expression... they wont be executed. They will be interpreted as strings only.