Settings Page 

 Wood        Metal



Settings page have following sections

a) Grinding Margin: After Cutting the parts from stocks, you want to polish the sides of the parts then some allowance has to be given for the parts. This is included in the grinding margin. This grinding margin is same for all parts.

b) Offcut Information: A piece of waste of the stock sheet that can be considered as re-usable is called Offcut. For a piece to be considered as a offcut, its smaller dimension should be larger than the "Min. Smaller Side" value, and area should be greater than the value (Min. Smaller Side * Larger Side). By specifying the "Larger side" you specify the minimum area of the offcut.

Consider the following examples... with the following settings...

Min Smaller Side : 100            Larger Side: 500

Hence any piece will be considered an offcut only if it has an area > 100 * 500  =  50000, and the smaller side is > 100. 

Smaller Side Larger side Area Is Offcut
50 1200 60000 No : The smaller side is lesser than the smaller side.
125 450 56250 Yes
125 300 37500 No : the area is lesser than the require value.
150 550 82500 Yes
100 500 50000 Yes

Offcut Preference : - There are some preferences available, depending on which offcut is placed in layout.

  1. Automatic :- This option automatically find the best suitable offcut in layout.
  2. Top :- This adjust the parts in such way that offcut will be at the top side of the layout.
  3. Right :- This adjust the parts in such way that offcut will be on the right side of the layout.

c) Cutting Allowance: Cutting tool diameter(width) is called the cut allowance. This value is added to all the dimensions of the parts in all directions during optimization.

d) Cutting Complexity: Here you can specify the required type of cut.

There are different options available in Cut Complexity they are

  1. First X cut: If the First cut should be parallel to Y-axis and cut should be Simple Guillotine cut, this is the option to choose.

  2. First Y cut: If user needs first cut should be parallel to X-axis and cut should be guillotine cut, user has to choose this option.

  3. Simple cut: For 2 Stage Simple Guillotine cut

  4. 3 Stage cut: For 3 stage Cut.

  5. Complex cut: If user needs N stage cut (depth of cut is more than 3) then he/she can choose this option.

For the first three options the Allow trim Cuts (Z and W) Cuts becomes Enabled.

Z-Cut: Piece Cut position is parallel to Y-axis but width of piece is less than strip width.

W-Cut: Piece Cut position is parallel to X-axis but width of piece is less than strip width.

The different types of cut are shown in fig. below

e) Slider Movement: Slider can control the quality of results that you want. Quicker results will give results faster (not optimized). As the slider moves from left to right the quality of results improves (results are optimized but at the expense of time)

f) Minimum Breakout Distance: This allows the user to set the minimum breakout distance required for easy breakout.

This page contain Two Button namely Optimize and Re Nest.

After Inputting the Stocks and Parts, which are to be Nested, Press this Optimize Button, the Package will generate Required Layouts.

On Click of Re Nest button will nest the remaining Parts in the remaining Stocks.

This Button will be active only if there are some non-confirmed layouts in the Solution.

After normal optimize if user does not like some layouts, then he can reject those layouts in summary page. Then on click of the Re Nest Button will nest the remaining Parts in the remaining Stocks. 

g) Maximum Different parts in Pattern :This option is used for no. of different parts you want to set in a pattern or Layout. When you click on this option,  a dialog box pops up, as shown below. Give the desired value, in the edit box, so that you will get pattern with required no. of parts. To ignore the setting put zero in the edit box as shown below.

Save Setting : This option is used to save settings. Eg. If you are using different machines to cut parts. Then add values in setting page, click on 'Save Setting'. A dialog will appear, add name it for current setting and click on OK button. You can save kerf, Offcuts information, Cutting Complexity, Minimum breakout distance and no. of parts in pattern.

Save Settings Dialog

Load Setting : This  option is used to load setting. Click on Load setting button then a dialog will appear as shown below. Select required settings and then Click on Load button.

Load Settings Dialog

See Also