Nirvana (Nir-va-na) in Hinduism, is the attainment of enlightenment and the end of ignorance. Literally it means, "blowing out" and hence the west has often misunderstood it as merely annihilation. Rather, the term indicates the attainment of enlightenment, and the annihilation of ignorance. It is the ideal state characterized by supreme liberation, beauty, perfection, harmony. This is what we strive to achieve in all our activities. We are not only doing a job, but we have fun seeking out the best solutions for our customers. We have in place a highly qualified and motivated team, who are committed to our philosophy, and identify with the needs of our customers. A team, which delivers, high quality solutions, on time and within budgets. Here are some of the key people in our team... Shrikanth Swaminathan (Director) Age : 54 years Education : B.Tech (Mechanical) from IT, BHU, Varanasi, M.Tech (Mechanical) from IIT, Kanpur. He has total work experience of 23 years in CAD/CAM software development. He started his career as a Research Associate in IIT, Kanpur, in 1990. For 6 years he was with Geometric Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd, involved in development of products and technologies as well as key projects for overseas clients. He has worked as a consultant both in India and abroad. For over 4 years he was a consultant for CSI GmbH, Dortmund, Germany. Ketan Acharya (Associate) Age : 54 years Education : B.Tech; (Mechanical) from IIT, Mumbai, M.Tech (Mechanical) from IIT, Mumbai He has total work experience of 22 years in CAD/CAM software development. For 6 years he was with Geometric Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., involved in development of products and technologies as well as key projects for overseas clients. For over 4 years he has been managing Kartik CAD/CAM consultants. Click here to download a Power Point Presentation About Us! Curious how we can help you.... Contact us, we are just a click away! |
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