Edit Charged Size 

The User can add, edit and customize the Charged Sizes for all type of Glass. The dialog that opens on clicking the Edit button is given below.

Charged Size Details

Catg.Code The category code for the type of Glass to which the charge size is applicable
Display Text Enter a meaningful name for the charge size group.
From Thick The thickness in mm from which the charge size is applicable.
To Thick The thickness in mm upto which the charge size is applicable.
Remarks Any remarks.
Apply Charge Size to The user can choose whether the charged sizes are applicable to all users or to specific customers.
Select Customers Clicking this button a window will popup with a list of customers. The user can select the customers by clocking on the select column.
Selected Customers This gives a list of customers to whom the charged size is applicable. The User can add / remove from the list.
List / Table List  of charge sizes applicable.
From Length The Length from which the charge size is applicable
To Length The Length upto which the charged size is applicable.
Based On A list of possible choices which the user can select. This could be one of "Round Even Inch", "Round Even cm", "Round N Inch", etc
Value The value for the type of charged size specified.
Add Charge Size You can add a new charged size specification.


Selecting customers for customized charged sizes.

See Also