Frequently Asked Questions on DXF Import

   1.  What version of AutoCAD DXF files are supported?

The AutoCAD has released many versions of DXF. Our applications support all the DXF format till AutoCAD 2000. 

We support DXF file format of AutoCAD Release 14 Binary DXF and formats lower than this.


   2.  How Can I import a Ellipse made in a DXF file in PLUS 2D?

PLUS 2D supports a Ellipse that is made up of polylines and not a TRUE ellipse as usually made by the AutoCAD application.

To make a Ellipse made up of polylines, the AutoCAD application provides you with a variable that by default makes a TRUE ellipse. You need to change the value of this variable, so that it makes a ellipse of polylines.

The variable PELLIPSE has to be set to 1(ON) by you. By default it is set to Zero(OFF). And then the ellipse of the required size has to be drawn. After you have drawn the ellipse, you will see that ellipse is made up of many smaller segments.


   3.  How to set the PELLIPSE to 1 (or ON mode)?

In the AutoCAD application, type PELLIPSE in the command bar and press enter. You will be asked for the new current value. Also the default value or value previously entered will be shown. If the variable is not set to ON then type 1 and press enter. This will change the variable to the ON mode. Once you have done this, the ellipse you make will be made of many smaller segments. Although the method of making the ellipse will remain same.